The Mission
To produce and supply an advanced skin care product that addresses a multitude of skin conditions while funding the advancement of regenerative therapies to fight the devastating effects of diabetes.
Our name reflects two subjects that are fundamental to our company’s core philosophy. “Neu” represents neurons, or nerves, and symbolizes the diabetic neuropathy that our products were developed to eliminate through funding research. “Neu” also signifies our efforts amidst the newest discoveries in the field of regenerative therapies.
Luna, short for lunar, originally referred to NeuLuna® being a night cream. It also epitomizes the company’s brand of ingenuity, which places us at the scientific frontier, much like the pioneering spirit which put Armstrong on the moon.
Our goal at NeuLuna® is to generate revenue through the sale of our advanced skin care products to fund Dr. Anderson’s continuing research in the field of regenerative therapies.
NeuLuna® Formulation
What sets the NeuLuna® formulation apart is our careful ingredient selection and our patented delivery method. We replenish the skin with key active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which diminish with age, to maintain youthful, glowing skin.
In order to appreciate how the NeuLuna delivery method supersedes traditional skin care formulations, it is important to understand the basics of skin care formulations. Most skin care products use oil-in-water emulsions, wherein water essentially encapsulates the “oil” which is usually synthetic silicone or the equivalent.
Water is the continuous or "outside" phase and acts as an application vehicle to deposit a thin film of silicone that seals in your own moisture and eliminates the sticky sensation of pure silicones. Ironically, these types of skin care products do not actually add moisture to the skin, nor do these products effectively deliver water phase ingredients like hyaluronic acid. They do not absorb optimally and fail to make up for the daily hyaluronic acid loss due to age.
Alternatively, water-in-oil emulsions, where water droplets are suspended inside the oil phase are more compatible with the skin, and ideally allow both the oil and water to be absorbed.
To improve the hydrating capacity of hyaluronic acid even further, NeuLuna created a unique delivery system that enhances availability and boosts hyaluronic acid absorbance by 250%. Over time, there is a cumulative, long lasting effect that overcomes the loss of hyaluronic acid, imparting a beautiful, long-lasting healthy glow to the skin.